Learn universities for future technology giants

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Technology giants only just do not work on making and product development, but also have a significant role in shaping our future, as it works to build its own future universities. Here round about these universities, which will be built to complete in the near future, which contain not only a beautiful large restaurants, sports stadiums, but is characterized by architectural designs like works of art.


It referred to Apple's own campus that is like a ship space.


Facebook already expired from the building, which was designed by Frank Gehry, but they are now working on the second expansion of the campus. The building contains about 200 rooms, a large garden, and on the bridges internal and external pedestrian.


In the US city of Seattle center, Amazon is working on three domes designed 100-foot-long (30.4 meters). This campus is under construction and is scheduled for completion in 2018.
These domes contain 300 species of rare plants threatened with extinction, this project aims to preserve.


Google's grand plans to build a future campus almost failed. In 2015, it was revealed grand master plan for the network, "the transparent curtains" instead of the traditional concrete buildings.
This project was the fall even Google and Nkid that has a deal in July to swap land, and could finally be achieved.

Uber Company

Campus Company upper in San Francisco will be more compact, and a renewed air. The main advantage to him in the transparent corridors that will link the campus floors.