Why you should avoid drinking coffee on an empty stomach?

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How one of us he used to start his day with a cup coffee? Sure, she's a good idea to get the energy and activity needed to perform everyday tasks. But did you know that there are health risks of coffee drinking on an empty stomach?


There hydrochloric acid in your stomach a certain level, helps your body to digest food efficiently. When your stomach is empty, no acid is a lot of work to carried out, are excreted and causing Ptbak intestine. And drinking a cup of coffee on those empty stomach aggravate the problem, by increasing the acid in the body.
With the accumulation of stomach acid in the body, damage to occur in the stomach, as well as in the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to situations, such as: heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome, gastric ulcer. If you are addicted to coffee, I prefer organic coffee consumption, which are low acidity.


While consuming coffee on an empty stomach in the morning, you are working to reduce the ability of your brain to secrete serotonin, known as the hormone of happiness. When your brain is not able to complete this process for the production of this hormone properly, it causes anxiety and depression. The increase in anxiety lead to increased levels of cortisol and adrenaline in the body. It is what causes in the end feeling jittery and weaknesses.


Drinking coffee on an empty stomach increases the amount of fluids that the body gets rid of them, which ultimately leads to severe drought.AnorexiaCoffee significantly affect the body, that's why they are good and effective in helping to get rid of excess weight. But while they contribute to curbing appetite at certain times of the day, that's why it will not be good in the morning, where the increase of clogging appetite. When should I drink coffee?The researchers succeeded in determining the appropriate time to drink coffee, it turns out that if you eat a healthy breakfast, you can enjoy a cup of coffee between the hours of ten in the morning and the afternoon, without feeling any guilt.